Philanthropy & Service

Philanthropy and service is the rent we pay for living here on earth. I believe in giving back and being apart of the community. I do that best by contributing, listening and helping to address systemic challenges. No matter where I have lived, I have served and worked in schools, classrooms, farms, prisons, community centers to bring in light and share a new perspective. From education to music, tutoring to technology, there is a huge opportunity not only for individuals but companies, corporations and elected officials to achieve more by giving back and having a real corporate social responsibility strategy.

I am also proud to serve on the boards of several community organizations including Washington Performing Arts Jr. Board, PAVEDC (Parents Amplifying Voices in Education), and as a Trustee with The Frederick Douglass Memorial & Historical Association (FDMHA). FDMHA hosts an annual scholarship program, Violins for Douglass - which grants out thousands of dollars in scholarships for area youth to pursue music lessons studying the violin, Douglass’ instruments of choice.

Board & Community Service

I am also proud to serve on the boards of several community organizations including Washington Performing Arts Jr. Board, PAVEDC (Parents Amplifying Voices in Education), and as a Trustee with The Frederick Douglass Memorial & Historical Association (FDMHA). FDMHA hosts an annual scholarship program, Violins for Douglass - which grants out thousands of dollars in scholarships for area youth to pursue music lessons studying the violin, Douglass’ instruments of choice.

DC Strings Workshop, Inc.

In 2017, I founded DC Strings Workshop, a non-profit 501(c)(3) arts organization committed to bringing music to all parts of the region, particularly underserved areas. The organization hosts an orchestra, THE ACCORD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA which has performed throughout the region including THE KENNEDY CENTER, National Portrait Gallery, and numerous houses of worship, universities and schools in the DMV. The organization and its ensembles have recently in Season 8 been presented at the Embassies of Spain, Great Britain, and France.

Since its founding, DC Strings Workshop has paid over $3,000,000 to local artists, musicians, instrument and lesson scholarships for deserving youth and educators.

  • Amid Fundraising Challenges, Black Classical Musicians Festival Poised To Be Sacramento’s Next Signature Event

  • “There are a lot of other narratives about classical music that are more positive and that could use your support….[such as].D.C. Strings, a nonprofit devoted to bringing classical music to underserved communities.”

    — The Washington Post

  • “As dusk set in over the Frederick Douglass’ estate, DC Strings performed the eerily haunting Gustave Mahler Adagietto from the 5th Symphony as conductor Thurston created an other-worldly quality to the rendition”

    — Festival DC

  • DC Strings is about transforming lives through music.

    — DC Strings Orchestra Violinist, Peter Clamp